The carpal tunnel is a passage in the wrist for the median nerve to pass through from the forearm into the hand. Carpal tunnel syndrome is commonly found seen in people who do repetitive movements involving the hands such has office workers, chefs and housewives. People with rheumatoid arthritis, hypothyroidism, diabetes and pregnant women are at an increased risk for developing carpal tunnel syndrome.
Pain and numbness sensation over wrist, thumb, index finger, middle finger and half side of ring finger. Symptoms may multiply in winter.
Severe night pain and disturb sleep. Symptoms would radiate up to the elbow and shoulder, thus, it is sometimes misdiagnosed as cervical disorders. Pain would aggravate after prolonged use of hands and fingers.
Carpal tunnel syndrome can be caused by trauma. In addition, prolonged and repetitive use of hands would also cause overuse damage to the wrist.
- Nutritions :vitamins B1, B6, B12 with magnesium and calcium supplements.
- Medications: NSAIDs
- Spine and Physiotherapy: by means of lever concept in biomechanics, Spine and Physiotherapist can restore the hand bones displacement by proper manipulation techniques. That also include short wave diathermy, heat treatments, interferential therapy are used for decompression on median nerve and symptomatic relief.
- TENS: domestic use for symptomatic relief.
- Contrast bath: heat and cold treatment could be used alternatively for pain control. Heat treatments are hot bath, hot pack, etc. to promote blood circulation and release muscle spasm; cold treatment is mainly for pain control.
- Surgical operation: if symptoms are severe, surgical nerve decompression would be indicated.
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