Knee pain can come develop slowly, such as in cases of overuse injuries or underlying conditions such as arthritis, or suddenly from injury. Symptoms of knee injury can include pain, swelling and/or stiffness. Treatment will vary depending on the cause of your knee pain. In some cases, knee pain is the result of an issue with the foot, ankle or hip.
knee joint is the biggest joint of our body and it is a major weight-bearing joint. Because of high mobility level and heavy loading, knee joint is one of the most vulnerable joints to degenerations. Pressure at knee joint when walking stairs is 3 times greater than during level ground walking. Thus, these kinds of activities would induce a great wastage to the knee cartilage.
Medications: NSAIDs (with side effect of causing abdominal disorders, not suitable for long term use)
Supplements: glucosamine sulphate is one of the nutrition supplements which is necessary for our body to produce cartilages. Research articles show that glucosamine sulphate can reduce the abrasion of the cartilages. It can also minimize the inflammatory response and speed up the self-recovery process. Chondroitin sulphate is directly absorbed into the cartilage and facilitates its growth.
Spine and Physiotherapy adjustment: by means of lever concept in biomechanics, Spine and Physiotherapist can restore the joint displacement by proper manipulation techniques.
Exercise therapy: weak knee quadriceps muscles would increase the pressure inside the knee joint which would accelerate the cartilage abrasion, causing pain and inflammation. Among different kinds of sports, swimming is the most suitable because buoyancy of water could decrease the loading to the knee joints and allow adequate stretching and mobilization to the knees.
Physiotherapy: short wave diathermy, interferential therapy, etc. are used for muscle relaxation and inflammation control.
TENS: domestic use for symptomatic relief.
Heat treatment: hot bath or hot pack help promote the blood circulation and release muscle spasm.
Surgical operation: knee joint replacement surgery, may need re-operation because of abrasion after decades.